Master Communication Skills With a “Self Scoring” Assessment

Rated star rating by more than 2300 students

Become a master at communication in 3 easy steps -

Step 1:

Use the self-assessment test to find your current level of proficiency.

Step 2:

Based on the result of the test, create a strategic plan.

Step 3:

Use the videos in the course, practice daily, attend live Q and A sessions… and become an expert communicator.

Benefits you will get:

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Professionals , Entrepreneurs and Students are spending lakhs of rupees on communication skill development, but very few are getting the results.

Alok Keshri

(your trainer)

trained 1,00,000+ Individuals.

What will you get?

Exclusive Assessment Test

Find your strength, style, and weakness. Get a personalized learning Path to achieve communication excellence.

Prepare a strong foundation for your communication and then build on it

A building with a weak foundation is bound to fall. Similarly, we need to have a very strong foundation for our communication skills. Find where you are, build the foundation and enhance your skill to mastery with the Proven 3 Step System.

Get results from Day 1

Get results from Day 1 with Powerful Methods trusted by more than 100k individuals. No tricks. Full of actionable strategies.

Speak confidently at all events

Speak confidently at business meets, events, and even on large stages by learning the 3 Vs and 7 Cs of communication.

Practice using Worksheets :

Use worksheets to track your progress and to practically implement your learnings.

Practise Daily:

Boost your learning and keep them retained forever with Daily “Quick Exercises”.

VIP access to Alok

Get a VIP access to Alok with 2 Live Classes every month. Share your progress, ask questions and get feedback.

Private Community:

Learn and practice your lessons in real-time with other participants under the strong supervision of Alok and other executives within an Exclusive Community. 

What will you get?

Exclusive Assessment Test

Find your strength, style, and weakness. Get a personalized learning Path to achieve communication excellence.

Prepare a strong foundation for your communication and then build on it

A building with a weak foundation is bound to fall. Similarly, we need to have a very strong foundation for our communication skills. Find where you are, build the foundation and enhance your skill to mastery with the Proven 3 Step System.

Get results from Day 1

Get results from Day 1 with Powerful Methods trusted by more than 100k individuals. No tricks. Full of actionable strategies.

Speak confidently at all events

Speak confidently at business meets, events, and even on large stages by learning the 3 Vs and 7 Cs of communication.

Practice using Worksheets :

Use worksheets to track your progress and to practically implement your learnings.

Practise Daily:

Boost your learning and keep them retained forever with Daily “Quick Exercises”.

VIP access to Alok

Get a VIP access to Alok with 2 Live Classes every month. Share your progress, ask questions and get feedback.

Private Community:

Learn and practice your lessons in real-time with other participants under the strong supervision of Alok and other executives within an Exclusive Community. 

3 Step Process to Master Communication and Present Your Ideas.

Step 1: “Self Scoring” Assessment

Exclusive assessment test to find your strength, style, and weakness to work on. The results of the test help you in creating a clear action plan to achieve communication excellence.

Step 2: Build Your Foundation

Now that you have a Clear Action plan, build a strong foundation for your communication. Here we understand -

Step 3: Enhance Your Communication

Once you master these simple 3 Vs and 7 Cs of communication, you are ready to speak on business meets, events, and even on large stages.

When you login, you will get access to these 2 videos right away!

Single most important 5:22 minute video that you should watch before starting the journey of effective communication.

A myth-busting video that will change your perspective towards communication.

Why is Alok your NO.1 choice to master communication skills?

These 3 FREE bonuses

that complement your progress towards Communication Excellence.

Only if you enroll before


[Premium Bonus]

The super-intense “insider” secrets of how great leaders use body language to persuade people.


[Premium Bonus]

The super-intense “insider” secrets of how great leaders use body language to persuade people.


[Premium Bonus]

The super-intense “insider” secrets of how great leaders use body language to persuade people.

Communication Excellence Blueprint Details

Learn not only how to improve communication skills but also practice your learnings from 15 Hours of Video Lessons + 5 Plus hours of Practice Lessons.

Module 1

Preparing To Be A Good Communicator

To become a good learner, you need to understand the basic structure of the course. In this module, you will learn how this course is lined up and what you can expect and learn from this course.

Module 2:

Preparing To Become An Excellent Communicator

Master communicators understand the principles of communication. In this module, you will learn about the principles and myths of communication.

Module 3

How Well Do You Communicate?

Finding your communication level helps you to set strategies and goals. In this module, you are going to find your current communication level and you will build a road map to eliminate weakness and enhance your strength.

Module 4

Foundation Of Communication Skills

You need a strong foundation when it comes to mastering any skill. In this module, you will learn how to build a strong foundation and take the first step toward becoming an excellent presenter.

Module 5

Enhancing Your Communication Skills

When you build a foundation, you need to enhance it to become excellent at the skill. In this module, you will learn how to enhance your communication skills with 7Cs.

Module 6

Non-Verbal Communication

Take your communication skills to the next level with Non-Verbal communication. In this module, you will learn about 3 V’s and their percentage of allocation in communication.

Module 7

Professional Body Language [BONUS]

Understand the key concepts of Professional Body Language to make your communication more impressive. In this module, you will learn about hands & finger movement, facial expressions, and how to use your body to communicate effectively.

]Module 8

Vocal Impact of Communication

Your vocal plays important role in delivering speech or presentation. In this module, you will learn how to set a tone, volume, and rhythm.

Module 9

Verbal Impact Of Communication

Understand the science and effect behind the verbal impact of communication. In this module, you will learn about the various verbal impact of communication.

Module 10

Rapport Building [BONUS]

Rapport building helps you to create a trust bond between presenter and listeners. In this module, understand what rapport is, and learn how to build it with anyone you communicate with.

Module 11

Effective Listening Skills [BONUS]

Successful public speakers just don’t talk well, they listen. In this module, you will learn how to develop effective listening skills that will help you to understand your audience at a deep emotional level.

Live Sessions

Successful public speakers just don’t talk well, they listen. In this module, you will learn how to develop effective listening skills that will help you to understand your audience at a deep emotional level.


Use worksheets to track your progress and to practically implement your learnings.

Today's Action

Daily “Quick Exercises” to boost your learning and keep them retained forever.

2 Live Classes Every Month

Get VIP access to Alok with 2 Live Classes Every Month. Share your progress, ask questions and get feedback for a year.

Private Community

Learn and practice your lessons in real-time with other participants under the strong supervision of Alok and other executives within an Exclusive Community.

Should I enroll in the program?

If you are...

Here are some students sharing their experience about the program.

James Paul 46 years old enhanced his confidence and clarity in communication

Iranna Nagaral working as Chief Manager improved his personal and professional life

Disha Mistry working in sales and marketing field gone from shy and reserved to speaking confidently

Dr. Hamir a Pediatrician enhanced his body language and communication skills within 1-2 week.

Rated 5* by more than 2300+ students. They can’t be wrong!

[Screenshots of Testimonials]

Improve your communication skills today by getting access to the Communication Excellence Bundle.

Communication Excellence Blueprint
(Plus PREMIUM Bundle)

Rs.36,966/- Rs.1,997/-


Could easily charge:



+Get 3 Premium Bonuses For FREE

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Frequently Asked Questions

Live classes are held twice a month, mostly on Saturday or Sunday mid month & end of the month. The dates are pre decided & shared in advance? Live classes are held on zoom.

Don’t worry, you will get access to recordings.

We have exclusive facebook & telegram communities for practicing what you learn.

You can ask questions in our live classes or in our facebook or telegram groups.

© Alok Keshri Training Solutions Pvt.

B201, Venkatadri Palm Grooves, Seegehalli, KR Puram, BLR, India

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