Motivational Speaker | Corporate Trainer & Career Growth Coach
- Inspired 1,00,000+ Individuals with 13 Years of Experience including 2 Yrs abroad Exp
- Trained Individuals in 2 Continents
- Trained individuals from India, USA, Canada, Europe & Latin America.
- Certified Corporate Trainer & Internationally certified (from USA) – as Motivational Speaker
- Given Several Motivational Keynote speeches in India & Latin America
- 4,000+ Job Seekers Trained & Working in MNCs
- 40,000+ Attended Live Session
- Conducted Several Soft Skills Training in Corporate, Schools & Colleges in India & Latin America
- What Participants Say about Alok: An Impactful Facilitator/Presenter, Energetic, Highly Expressive, Interactive
- Motivating, Unique, Friendly, Highly Objective and Sincere.